Position Type: Full time
Number: 3+
Location: ShenZhen
Laboratory and Position Description
The Center for Synthetic Genomics (CSG) in Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (SIAT) is inviting three motivated and talented postdocs with a strong background in Synthetic Biology, Computational Biology or Genetics to join us in Sheng Zhen, 2019.
Professor Junbiao Dai is currently the deputy director of iSynBio, Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Sciences (SIAT), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). He is the director of Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Synthetic Genomics and Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Synthetic Genomics. He received his Bachelor degree from Nanjing University in 1997, Master of Science in Biology from Tsinghua University in 2000 and PhD in Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology from Iowa State University in 2006. He was a post-doctoral fellow at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine before joining the faculty in School of Life Sciences at Tsinghua University in 2011. In 2017, he joined the faculty at SIAT.
Dr. Dai’s research interests lie in synthetic biology using different model organisms, focusing on development of new technologies for genes synthesis, assembly and synthetic genomics. In the past five years, he has published, as corresponding author, more than 40 papers in prestigious journals including Science and was selected as one of the Top Ten Scientific Advances of China in 2017. He is one of the key members in synthetic yeast consortium (Sc2.0) and genome project-write (GP-write), and is currently leading the “GP-Write China”. In 2017, He was awarded the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars.
Candidate’s qualifications
1. We prefer candidates who are about to graduate with PhD or have a PhD within the past five years in China or abroad.
2. Candidates must be highly motivated and willing to conduct the research in the field of Synthetic Biology independently.
3. Candidates are expected to have prominent research products in the related field.
4. Candidates with the following research experience will be given primary consideration:
1) Experience in protein modification, epigenetics and genome editing.
2) Experience in synthetic biology.
3) Experience in interdisciplinary research, including "-omics", chemical biology and bioinformatics.
Salaries and Benefits
The period of employment lasts for 2 years.
1. The annual salary is around 210,000-340,000RMB.
2. We will give assistance to successful candidates to apply housing subsidy (30,000 RMB) provided from “The Housing Project for Talents” by Sheng Zhen government; in addition, according to “Green-Car Subsidy Program” of Sheng Zhen City, green vehicles are also available for them for free within 90 hours.
3. We will give assistance to apply research grants (300,000 RMB) for postdocs who have signed over 3 year’s employment contracts and decide to settle in Sheng Zhen when successfully finish their research.
4. Some excellent and eligible postdocs can apply “Sheng Zhen High-level Talents fund” or other funds in accordance with Shen Zhen talent introduction policies; for instance, those who have more than 3-year’s working experience in Shen Zhen after finishing their postdoctoral researches are eligible for Sheng Zhen Leading Talents Policy and will be awarded around 1600,000 RMB.
5. As an overseas returnees-based institution, SIAT is a national scientific research institution with dynamic atmosphere where talents can fully develop their interests.
6. After signing the formal labor contracts (for them to be eligible for “peacock plan”), the candidates are entitled to our welfares, including the endowment insurance, medical insurance, unemployment insurance, work-related injury insurance as well as childbirth insurance, and housing accumulation funds.
7. The one with over 1 year’s overseas education background and eligible for Shen Zhen oversea high-level talents policies is qualified to apply the funds from “peacock plan”.
(A level-3million RMB; B level-2minllion RMB, C-level 1.6million RMB)
The eligibility criteria for “peacock plan” can be found in the website:
Application process
Interested and qualified candidates should send an email describing their motivation and research interests along with a CV and representative publications to sx.yan@siat.ac.cn. Please give clear indication of your research area in the subject of your email.
Contact information
Miss JIANG Shuangying
E: sy.jiang@siat.ac.cn
戴俊彪,基因组所合成生物学研究中心研究员,博士生导师。戴俊彪研究员长期专注于基因及基因组合成使能技术的研发、基因组理性设计与合成再造基本原理研究以及合成生物的设计构建和产业化应用研究,是国际合成酵母基因组计划(SC2.0)以及国际基因组编写计划的主要成员;同时致力于蛋白质(以组蛋白为主)的翻译后修饰,包括新修饰类型的鉴定、(新)修饰的生物学功能,作用机制和调控网络的解析等。近五年已在《Science》、《Nature Communications》、《Cell Research》、《Developmental Cell》、《Genome Biology》等刊物上发表学术论文80余篇,申请/授权发明专利和PCT 30余项。2017年与Sc2.0合作团队在《Science》杂志上以封面专刊同期发表了五篇染色体合成相关文章,其中1篇为唯一通讯作者,该成果入选2017中国科学十大进展、中国高等学校十大科技进展、中国科技进展十大新闻。合成生物学采用工程化设计理念,专注于人造生命元件、基因线路、生物器件、多细胞体系等的合成再造研究,一方面揭示生命本质和基本规律,另一方面致力于构建人工生命体服务国家和社会发展需求。本课题组通过改造底盘细胞,人工挖掘、优化、系统性整合功能基因/基因簇,设计与合成针对有机、厨余等各种污染物具有降解功能的菌株,对微生物修复复合污染环境的巨大潜能进行开发。课题组氛围融洽自由,平等互助,欢迎对前沿科技有兴趣的青年才俊加盟。
1. 以科学研究工作为主,按计划完成博士后研究任务;
2. 课题研究方向包括:微生物基因簇挖掘与代谢途径解析(污染物降解优先);代谢工程底盘细胞改造与代谢优化;酶工程蛋白功能表征与定向进化;
3. 独立承担研究课题所需的各项实验任务,负责项目的开展及总结,以及实验室交办的其他工作;
4. 优秀者可带领多人研究团队,指导包括学生、科研助理等共同开展课题研究;
5. 与合作导师共同承担科研课题,发表高水平研究论文,协助各类科研项目、专利的申请;
6. 根据课题组安排,承担其他团队管理工作。
1. 具有较好的沟通能力和团队精神,对课题组研究方向感兴趣,年龄一般在35周岁或以下;
2. 近三年内获得或即将获得生药学、生物化学、分子生物学、细胞生物学、药物化学、生物信息学、基因组学与蛋白组学等相关学科博士学位;
3. 近三年内第一作者发表中科院JCR二区及以上的SCI学术研究论文至少1篇;
4. 优先考虑以下条件:1,熟练掌握常规分子生物学和生物化学实验技能;2. 微生物学、生物化学、合成生物学背景;3. 分子生物学、细胞生物学、代谢工程;
5. 具有较好的英文听说能力,能熟练阅读专业文献,具有较强的中英文写作能力。
6. 学术态度严谨,善于独立思考和钻研,具有独立申请、承担研究课题能力。
1. 按照深圳市相关规定,博士后在站期间享受在站博士后生活补贴,具体金额以政府最新规定为准。
2. 按照研究所的相关规定提供博士后的工资、五险一金和绩效待遇。
3. 符合条件的,可申请"博士后创新人才支持计划"、"博士后国际交流计划派出项目、引进项目"、广东省海外博士后人才支持项目、中国农业科学院博士后"优农计划",在站期间可申报"中国农业科学院优秀博士后"评审,入选者给予奖金奖励。
4. 博士后人员进站后,可选择落户深圳市,其配偶及未成年子女可办理随迁入户。
5. 符合条件的博士后可申请评定专业技术资格。
6. 深圳市对出站博士后留深工作、签订3年劳动合同的,给予30万元资助,用于科研投入或创业前期费用。
7. 提供良好的工作环境和充足的研究经费,配备研究需要的设备和仪器,科研方向给予较高自由度。
实验室主要研究方向是为开发基因和基因组的合成、组装及转移技术,通过基因组的设计构建解析基因组相关的重大生物学问题,并进行合成生物的改造和应用等研究。实验室近期相关研究成果发表在Science、Cell Research、Nature Communications、Genome Biology、Developmental Cell、PNAS等国际知名期刊。实验室设计并构建了迄今世界上最长的真核生物染色体,相关成果发表在2017 Science期刊,该成果入选2017中国科学十大进展、中国高等学校十大科技进展、中国科技进展十大新闻。目前,课题组正在前期研究的基础上,深化基因组的重编与精简,进一步探索基因组的理性设计原则。诚挚邀请对这一前沿研究领域有浓厚兴趣的青年才俊加盟。
l 一流科研平台
l 充足经费保障
l 学科交叉引领
l 教研双聘机制
l 开放产业环境
l 多维发展路径
l 3H全方位保障
1. 研究方向主要涉及微生物基因组的设计、合成测试及相关关键技术开发
2. 与合作导师共同承担科研课题,发表高水平研究论文,申请各类科研项目、专利。
1. 已获得或即将获得微生物学、合成生物学、基因组学、遗传学、生物化学、生物信息学等专业博士学位,有大肠杆菌及酵母的基因合成编辑相关、组学数据生信分析、蛋白质设计的研究经验者优先;
2. 有较强独立从事课题研究的能力,并以第一作者在国际杂志上发表过SCI论文;
3. 年龄≤35周岁,博士毕业≤3年,未在广东省从事过博士后工作。
4. 具有活跃的思维和开阔的眼界以及锲而不舍的探索精神,具备良好的文献阅读能力,有较好的英语读写能力,并有较强的实验设计和动手能力;具有严谨认真的工作态度,良好的团队合作意识。
1. 博士后期间综合年收入含全额政府补贴、竞争性薪酬、奖金奖励;
2. 协助在站期间申请以下项目:
3. 出站优先提供留院、校工作机会;表现优异者出站可申请副高职称岗位;
4. 出站后如留深签约3年工作劳动合同,可申请深圳市博士后留深来深科研资助30万,每年10万共计3年,全面保障并协助申请出站后各类补贴福利;
5. 人才安居房+高端体检+定点医院VIP服务+子女入学;
6. 全额缴纳五险一金+工作餐补贴+“5+5”带薪年假;
7. 国家级科研前辈一对一指导,专业团队协助您争取国家、地方各类项目;
8. 开放课题、学术交流、技能培训、出国深造机会不定期投放。
戴俊彪博士,国家杰出青年基金获得者,中科院深圳先进技术研究院合成生物学研究所客座PI,深圳合成生物学创新研究院杰出客座PI,博士生导师,广东省合成基因组学重点实验室创始主任,深圳合成基因组学重点实验室创始主任,英国皇家学院牛顿高级学者,近5年主持国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金重点项目、国际大科学计划等多项重大科技计划,在基因组设计合成及应用方向具有长期积累,在Science、Cell、Developmental Cell 、Nature Communications、PNAS、 Cell Research 等权威期刊发表论文90余篇,申请国家发明专利近50项。